Detroiters! Support Journalism Today
Empower Independent Publications
If you reached this page from hearing us on 101.9, we know that you respect the high-quality reporting and thoughtful commentary that connects us to the city we live in, Detroit. We are all able to tell stories because of you, and your donation (of any size) ensures that Grand Circus Magazine can continue to print Detroit’s only arts-and-culture journal according to our own high-quality standards.
We are so thankful for the support from our community and to our partnership with WDET.
You can make a donation to Grand Circus Magazine through our PayPal, which will fund the printing of our latest print edition.
A donation of any size is appreciated and helps us get closer to bringing our next print issue into your hands. Thank you from the team at Grand Circus Magazine.
Send a private donation of any amount to our Paypal:
A Glimpse in Time…
Check out Grand Circus through the years. If you went to any of our release parties, please email stories or photographs to